Leave ​the tech ​to us.

The ​Pondexter ​Way

After 17 years in the IT industry, I’ve decided to alter direction and start ​my own company with a team full of qualified and passionate workers. ​Now, we share and use our experiences to help others. Our ramp-up ​process is designed to empower your company with the tools and ​expertise they need to succeed.

Having worked in multiple environments from education, architecture, ​government & public safety —that’s why when it comes to client ​selection, we’re choosy. We want to give each of you the time and ​guidance you deserve that fits your industry. Working as a team we'll get ​the job done.

Black Laptop Beside Audio Mixer Set

What We Offer

Close Up Photo of Programming of Codes

Managed It ​Services

Service Desk Support

IT Field Services

Computer Repair

Computer Deployment

Crop faceless developer working on software code on laptop

Project ​Management

Requirements Assessments

Selection and Procurement


Implementation and Integration

Black Samsung Tablet Computer


IT Strategic Planning

IT and Project Assessments

IT Portfolio/Project ​Management Office

Organizational Change ​Management

On-Demand CIO/CTO

Talk To Us

Feel free to call, email, or hit us up on our social media accounts.


(773) 599-283​1



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